Thursday, February 5, 2009

Simple Yet Strong? Yes It Happens with Logos!

We all know that a good first impression has a long lasting impact. Human beings have the inherent nature of building up their perceptions on the basis of visual stimuli. This particular aspect of human nature is applicable in all walks of life. Be it dressing up smart for an interview/ presentation, wrapping a gift in an elegant paper or even a good handshake with a pleasing smile while meeting a person?the ways we adopt to impress is beyond the scope of compilation. We all strive to make that good first impression to make things work in our favor. It is often believed that a good first impression is all about being flamboyant and colorful. This notion is not necessarily true coz strong messages if communicated in a simpler way can serve the purpose in the best possible manner. A simple logo design that conveys a strong message can lead to the creation of a magical brand.

A logo is an image that represents a company to the outer world. It may not essentially communicate about the business domain of a company but should ideally generate a certain sense of being positive and trustworthy. Think of the swoosh symbol of the ?Nike? logo. Nike is a well-known brand dealing in sports shoes and clothing. The swoosh symbol hardly has anything to do with its product line, but it generates an even stronger and positive message. It all depends on how we perceive this logo. Some may see it as a ?tick? indicating it as a choice (among the rest) while some others may interpret it as a rising curve that depicts the success of the brand and there could be some having a different interpretation altogether. The Nike logo is a classic example for the importance of having the element of simplicity in a logo. The use of a swoosh can be found in the form an arc, a partial ellipse or an orbit in the logos of well known corporate entities like Samsung, Infineon, Whirlpool and many others.

The primary reason of such success and wide usage of a swoosh is mainly due to its simplicity, timelessness and the flexibility of reproducing it in various shapes and formats, without compromising on the overall quality of the image. This brings us to yet another aspect of a logo that needs to be complied with while designing it. Logos with heavy graphics are not only complex to interpret but also looses the flexibility of it being reproduced in various shapes and sizes. Apart from that, heavy graphics also inflates the cost of reproducing it in various formats. Top brands like Coca-cola, Microsoft, Intel, IBM, General Electric and many others have simple yet professional logo designs.

Simplicity is the key to a good business logo design. A good first impression is not all about flamboyancy and complexity. In a similar way a good logo need not be flamboyant and complex. A good logo design is an outcome of proper analysis and superlative designing skills that can only be rendered by a professional logo design firms. This small initial investment is sure to yield high returns in the times ahead.

Alfred Anderson has rich experience in the field of online brand marketing. His interests includes Internet marketing and research on emerging online business trends. Company logo design

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