Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Playtime Is Meant To Be Fun And Safe: How To Make It That Way

Playtime is important in the development of a child?s imagination and social skills. However, how a child plays and what the child plays with is equally as important. Playtime should be safe for the child and age appropriate. It should also be fun and encourage imagination. Parents can do several things to help ensure their child?s safety when playing.

To ensure safety during playtime, it is important for parents to choose the correct toys. It is very tempting to always buy the latest, greatest popular toy on the market or to buy your older child the fun technology oriented toys that are so prevalent. However, a parent should be aware that there are certain physical and developmental dangers in choosing certain toys or allowing too much access to particular toys. Safety starts at the toy store with parents and caregivers choosing toys that are safe and age appropriate for the child.

?Look at the design of the toys to ensure they are well made and will not break easily.

?Toys that are very small can be a choking hazard for young children. Even if you do not think your child will put a toy in their mouth or lodge it elsewhere, do not choose these types of toys for small children. It only takes a moment for a fun toy to become a hazard.

?Do not buy toys that have loud noises that can potentially impair hearing.

?Toys that propel objects can be a danger to eyes. If older children have such toys, make sure they are not accessible to the younger children in the house and that the older children do not play with these in the vicinity of younger children.

?Watch out for toys that have sharp edges, small parts, or sharp points. Avoid toys that produce extremely loud noises that can damage hearing and propelled objects that can injure eyes.

?Read the labels for safety information such as suggested age ranges, hygiene information and toxicity issues.

?If you are buying an electrical toy, make sure there is a UL seal that proves the product was safety tested.

In addition to safety, it is also important to let the child know the parent is willing to play with them. A parent?s involvement with a child can be a great bonding experience for the entire family, bringing the family closer. Babies and small children learn skills and develop through play and interaction. If a parent actively plays with their child, studies indicate that they will develop faster.

Today, many children are exposed to large amounts of television, computers and video games. While these items can be helpful in learning certain skills, too much exposure to them will quell a child?s imagination. Make sure to limit television time and allow children to use their imagination. Playtime outside is also healthy for the child. Let the child run and play and toss a ball around so they can practice motor skills and get some exercise. Parents should get involved.

?Parents can read to their child and encourage reading once the child is able to read alone. This will help cognitive skills and develop the imagination. Make story time part of the bedtime ritual so it is a fun way to end the evening and a great bonding experience.

?Play games with your children. This will help teach sharing, taking turns, patience and rules. Card games, puzzle games and board games are a great way to interact. If you are in a car together, play games such as ?I Spy?.

?Create imaginative activities such as putting on plays or musicals. Playing dress up or house with your child can expand the imagination and can be a lot of fun.

?Play with action figures, stuffed animals and dolls with your children. This can add to social interaction by giving the child the tools to act out what the feel is appropriate and you can guide them by teaching appropriate play and manners.

?Sing songs with your children. Children love to sing and it can be fun for everyone. It is also a great opportunity to learn the alphabet and rhyming.

Playtime is an important activity in a child?s life. It will help teach them and can help parents and children form a stronger relationship. It is necessary to choose toys and activities that are both fun and safe. With a parent?s involvement and attention, this can be an easy task to accomplish.

About the Author:

If you would like more information on wooden toys for your child please visit our site. MonkeyBeanToys specializes in traditional wooden toys that will last longer than cheap plastic toys.

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